Hello, not sure how exactly i am supposed to introduce myself without revealing who i am, so i will just stick with hello. I
signed up for this class
because i love to write (obviously) but i took this class because
i respect mr. nelson a lot a
nd cant wait to hear his views about creative writing this year. This blog will count for my steps outside of my comfort zone for the next few years.
C.S Lewis... not very original.....
i am aware, but i love his quotes and
some have even helped me with severe personal issues that i have. So out of respect
for C.S Lewis, this one is for you!
I love....
- sports
- boys
- girls (so you cant tell if i am a boy or a girl)
- music
- doing nothing
- writing
- listening to nelson ramble
- crickets #dropcityyachtclub
did you know that dogs have cleaner tongues than people...? (how is that for rambling)
i dont know how i feel about adding this "quote" but here is a simple one... "life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"..... deep huh?

(here is a pic to go along with my rambling ;)
I believe in "oblivion"... i want to die and be remembered.... as for what i will be remembered for i don't know yet but i will be for something (hopefully something good)
remember this when you're having a rough time and need a "pic me up"
Hardships often
prepare ordinary people
for an extraordinary
... (skin goes cold)
C.S Lewis
Great intro. And not just because you said you respect Mr. Nelson. Mostly because of the "I like girls/boys" part. And the randomness. I love the randomness. And, my skin is cold.